Guide To Ordering Keys
Keys and locks are identified using the numbers stamped on them. To get the correct key for your lock, we need the Key Series and Differ number.
Correctly identifying a key number can be tricky. Often the key series isn't stamped, and different manufacturers use the same numbers, causing overlap.
To help us identify a key number, we might need some more information. The best way is to just send us a picture of the key. If you've lost it, try finding keys from adjacent or similar locks. Otherwise, telling us what the lock is for (e.g. cabinet, locker, pedestal) and sending us a picture of the lock can also help.
Once we've identified the key series, you can order in confidence knowing you're getting the right key for your lock.
To place an order type the entire key number into the search box above, or click here to enter multiple keys at once.
If you need more information, or for any advice, feel free to contact us. We're open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.
Phone: 020 8343 2943
We also sell a variety of other products, including locks. Click "Products" at the top of this page to find out more.